
Weight Loss

Struggling to Lose Weight?

Weight loss is a common pursuit for many individuals, driven by various motivations ranging from achieving a fitter physique to improving overall health and vitality. Whether your goal is to enhance athleticism or simply to enjoy a longer, healthier life, prioritizing physical well-being is a commendable endeavor. Despite efforts towards adopting nutritious diets and embracing active lifestyles, some individuals may find themselves struggling to achieve desired weight loss outcomes. However, there are options to help support you on your journey.

Help Lose Weight with Semaglutide

Semaglutide stands as a rising star among FDA-approved treatments, offering effective control over chronic weight management, enhanced insulin production, and appetite suppression. Derived from Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), naturally occurring in the digestive system, it plays a pivotal role in appetite regulation and digestion support.

This treatment regimen entails weekly self-administered injections at home to deliver the product. When combined with a healthy diet and routine exercise, this treatment can help adult patients lose up to 20% of their body weight.

What To Expect With Our Semaglutide Program

  • Initial Consultation: Meet with our medical professionals to outline your goals, assess your health with a comprehensive exam, and devise a tailored plan. 
  • Semaglutide Treatment: Start your Semaglutide regimen as a pivotal component of your overall weight management plan. 
  • Continuous Support: Benefit from regular consultations with our team to ensure adherence, implement necessary modifications, and receive ongoing encouragement. 
  • Sustainable Achievement: Our primary aim is to facilitate lasting weight loss and enhance your overall well-being. We’re committed to being here for you throughout your journey to success.

Included In Our Program

  • Initial medical consultation with exam and bloodwork
  • 90 day supply
  • 2 Follow-up appointments to monitor progress
  • Communication with our medical team outside of your appointments

To make this program accessible to more individuals, we’re offering a convenient installment plan of $369 per month for 3 months. Option to pay in full for $1,107. 

After the first 12 week program, maintenance plans will be available to support sustained progress.

What To Expect With Our Tirzepatide Program

Tirzepatide is a new medication that has been found to be very effective in weight reduction. Patients have lost up to 20% of their body weight in a recent study. Tirzepatide is similar to Semaglutide in that it helps patients decrease their appetite thus consuming less calories, leading to weight loss over time. Unlike Semaglutide, which is solely a GLP-1 agonist, Tirzepatide mimics the GLP-1 hormone as well a the GIP hormone. The GIP hormone can also trigger insulin creation and sensations of fullness further increasing efficaciousness in aiding in weight loss.

Included In Our Program

  • Initial medical consultation with exam and bloodwork
  • 90 day supply
  • 2 Follow-up appointments to monitor progress
  • Communication with our medical team outside of your appointments

To make this program accessible to more individuals, we’re offering a convenient installment plan of $539 per month for 3 months. Option to pay in full for $1,617. 

After the first 12 week program, maintenance plans will be available to support sustained progress.

Benefits of Semaglutide

  • Reduced Appetite: Semaglutide induces a decrease in hunger, resulting in reduced food consumption and subsequent weight loss.
  • Enhanced Insulin Secretion: Semaglutide prompts the pancreas to release insulin, thereby enhancing glucose regulation and facilitating weight loss.
  • Decreased Glucagon Secrtion: Semaglutide curtails the secretion of glucagon, a hormone responsible for elevating glucose levels in the liver and contributing to weight gain.
  • Slowed Gastric Emptying: Semaglutide slows down the process of food exiting the stomach, leading to a sensation of fullness and diminished food intake.

Why compounded Semaglutide/Pyridoxine?

We’re happy to bring you compounded semaglutide/B6, a weight loss medication similar to popular injectable prescription products. This compounded product is designed to deliver Semaglutide with Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) both effectively and safely. The addition of Pyridoxine (also known as vitamin B6) has clinical evidence that supports decreasing nausea and helps aid with weight loss. 

Reported Benefits: 

  • Weight Loss 
  • Neuroprotective 
  • Improved Fertility 
  • Decreased Food Intake 
  • Treatment of PCOS 
  • Smoking Cessation 
  • Cardiovascular Benefits 
  • Improves Insulin Sensitivity 

What is the most common side effect I can expect?

Nausea is the most common side effect. Recommendation to limit nausea: eat bland, low-processed foods like crackers, toast, and rice. Eat foods that contain water such as soups. Avoid laying down after eating. Eat slowly. 

In summary, Semaglutide offers significant weight loss benefits, with some individuals experiencing reductions of their body weight when coupled with lifestyle modifications such as a calorie-controlled diet and increased physical activity. Nonetheless, it is essential to recognize that individual outcomes may vary, and Semaglutide should be integrated into a comprehensive weight management strategy. 

Regrettably, Semaglutide may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with a history of specific endocrine or thyroid tumors, particularly medullary thyroid cancer, are advised to consult their physician before scheduling a consultation for this treatment.